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Configuration Interfaces


  • name: string
    The name of the XR device.

  • controllerConfig: XRControllerConfig | undefined
    Configuration for the device's controllers. It is undefined if no controllers are used.

  • supportedSessionModes: XRSessionMode[]
    Session modes the device supports (e.g., inline, immersive-vr, immersive-ar).

  • supportedFeatures: WebXRFeatures[]
    Features supported by the device, such as hand-tracking, hit-test, etc.

  • supportedFrameRates: number[]
    Frame rates supported by the device for rendering.

  • isSystemKeyboardSupported: boolean
    Indicates if system keyboard input is supported.

  • internalNominalFrameRate: number
    The device's nominal internal frame rate.


  • ipd: number
    Interpupillary distance in meters, affecting stereo rendering.

  • fovy: number
    Field of view on the Y-axis in radians.

  • stereoEnabled: boolean
    Enables or disables stereo rendering.

  • headsetPosition: Vector3
    The initial position of the headset in 3D space.

  • headsetQuaternion: Quaternion
    The initial orientation of the headset.

  • canvasContainer: HTMLDivElement
    The HTML container for the rendering canvas.


  • profileId: string
    Identifier for the controller profile.

  • fallbackProfileIds: string[]
    Identifiers for fallback controller profiles.

  • layout: { [handedness in XRHandedness]?: { gamepad: GamepadConfig; gripOffsetMatrix?: mat4; numHapticActuators: number; } }
    Maps handedness to controller configurations, including gamepad layout and optional grip offset.


  • jointTransforms: { [joint in XRHandJoint]: { offsetMatrix: mat4; radius: number; } }
    Pose data for each joint in the hand, including transformation matrix and joint radius.

  • gripOffsetMatrix: mat4?
    Optional matrix to offset the grip position.


  • profileId: string
    Identifier for the hand input profile.

  • fallbackProfileIds: string[]
    Identifiers for fallback hand input profiles.

  • poses: { default: HandPose; pinch: HandPose; [poseId: string]: HandPose; }
    Contains hand pose configurations for default, pinch, and additional customizable poses.